Is Your CPAP Working? Here’s How to Tell!


If you use CPAP, you probably know it’s the most effective treatment for sleep apnea—but how do you know if it’s actually working for you? Today, I’m sharing three key ways to check if your CPAP therapy is doing its job, plus a few extra tips to make sure you’re getting the most from your treatment.

1. Check Your Residual AHI
Your CPAP machine isn’t just delivering air—it’s also tracking data about your sleep. One of the most important numbers to check is your residual AHI—this tells you how many breathing disruptions are still happening per hour while using your CPAP.

You can find this number directly on your machine’s display or in the manufacturer’s app on your smartphone. Ideally, your residual AHI should be below 5, which is considered the normal range. If your AHI is consistently much higher—especially over 10—it’s time to check in with your sleep provider to see if any adjustments need to be made.

2. Are You Using CPAP for Your Full Sleep Time?
Your CPAP can only work if you’re actually using it! obviously - but I can’t tell you how many patients over the years report not feeling benefits from their machine when their use time is only 4 hours!  If you’re taking your mask off in the middle of the night or taking it off early in the morning, that’s time your sleep apnea is not being treated.

This is especially important if you have moderate to severe sleep apnea. Even a few hours without CPAP can lead to drops in oxygen levels, increased sleep disruptions, and symptoms creeping back in. If you’re struggling to keep your mask on all night, it’s worth troubleshooting—sometimes, a different mask style, adjusting your settings, or improving your sleep environment can make a big difference.

3. Are Your Symptoms Improving?
Numbers and data are important, but how you feel matters just as much. If you’re using your CPAP consistently and correctly, you should start noticing positive changes—feeling more refreshed in the mornings, having more energy during the day, and even seeing improvements in things like focus and mood.

If you’re still feeling exhausted or struggling with CPAP discomfort, don’t ignore it. There could be a simple fix, like adjusting humidity levels, trying a different mask fit, or making sure your pressure settings are optimized for you. It may even be worthwhile to return to the sleep lab to see if something else is disrupting your sleep, so talk to your provider.  

Bonus Tip: Track Your Sleep Patterns
Many CPAP apps provide insights into your sleep trends, like total hours slept and mask seal quality. Keeping an eye on these details can help you spot patterns and troubleshoot any issues before they become bigger problems.

CPAP is a powerful tool—but it’s only effective if it’s working for you. By checking your residual AHI, making sure you’re using CPAP for your full sleep time, and paying attention to how you feel, you can be confident that your sleep apnea is well-managed.

If you’re unsure about your CPAP data or still feeling tired despite therapy, don’t hesitate to reach out to your sleep provider for guidance. You deserve to wake up feeling your best!

Thanks for being here, I’ll see you next week!

Waiting on a Machine or Just Getting Started With A CPAP? 

Due to the recent recall and general delays in healthcare services, many people are forced to wait to get their CPAP machines. There are things you can do to prepare, so download the first of its kind guide with actionable tips you can start on today.


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