Discover The Truth About
CPAP and Infections

with Dr. Kimberly Hutchison
Neurologist | CPAP Expert | Educator

Join the many who have upgraded their CPAP knowledge.
Eliminate doubts and master your CPAP usage. 🌟

👉 Sign up now for instant access! Enhance your sleep health journey with confidence.
Begin your path to better, safer CPAP therapy today!

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Are you using your CPAP machine safely and effectively? 🌜💤

Dive into our FREE 3-Part Video Series with Dr. Kimberly Hutchison and find out!

Part 1: Explore the connection between CPAP use and infection risk.

Part 2: Navigating CPAP Use When You're Sick – Essential Insights.

Part 3: Exclusive Sneak Peek into CPAP 101 - Mastering CPAP Cleanliness.

Join the many who have upgraded their CPAP knowledge. Eliminate doubts and master your CPAP usage. 🌟

👉 Sign up now for instant access! Enhance your sleep health journey with confidence.
Begin your path to better, safer CPAP therapy today!

Kimberly Hutchison, MD, FAASM


I am Kim Hutchison, a Neurologist, Sleep Medicine Specialist and Associate Professor of Neurology at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, Oregon.

Just like you, I am passionate about a good night’s sleep and believe it comes from good information.

You don’t have to be a scientist to get great sleep. With the right information and a little determination, you can change the way you sleep.

Not sure what information you can trust? Don’t understand the medical mumbo-jumbo? Still haven’t called to make that appointment with your doctor? Medical information can be hard to read and doesn’t help anyone when it’s trapped behind a closed door.

I’m here to give you clear, accurate, and scientifically-backed information to help you get a good night’s sleep.