Mask leaking, outgrowing CPAP, and Medicare treatment options


It’s time for this month’s ‘Ask Dr. Kimberly’ extended Sleep Byte. This is where I answer questions submitted by YOU - my Sleep Warrior community. 

This week, I’m diving into some thoughtful questions you’ve submitted through our Q&A program. These are common challenges that many of you face, and I’m here to help! Here are the questions that I will cover in this week’s Sleep Byte:

  • Terri asks, Since a sleep study, years after being diagnosed with OSA, my CPAP pressure has increased, from 7 to 12, and a full face mask was recommended (prior just nasal)…I never used to have any trouble sleeping with the nasal mask. Now, I’ve suffered long nights with leaking masks! I’ve tried different full face masks, chin straps, liners and..collars to help with this problem….Help! I dread going (trying) to sleep at night… Adjusting my mask all night long!! Wake up exhausted!
  • Tina asks, “Do people ever outgrow the need for a CPAP machine?”
  • Badrinath asks, “I am using cpap for 2 years but feeling tiredness and non refreshed whole day. I am unable to control excess daytime sleeping”
  • Mary asks, “I don't want to use a CPAP machine. What else is there that Medicare will cover”
  • Beryl asks, “I cannot tolerate anything on my face. What do I do?”
  • Diego asks, I did sleep studies in labs and at home to make sure I have sleep apnea. Is there any other way to detect this condition??

These are important questions, and I’m excited to share some insights and solutions that could make a big difference in your CPAP journey.

Do you have a question of your own?
Enter it here or from my homepage to have it considered for an upcoming video!

Waiting on a Machine or Just Getting Started With A CPAP? 

Due to the recent recall and general delays in healthcare services, many people are forced to wait to get their CPAP machines. There are things you can do to prepare, so download the first of its kind guide with actionable tips you can start on today.


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